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Blarecast Systems announces seed round financing

This article was originally published on CoinGeek on September 30, 2022.

Blarecast Systems, the UK-based startup aiming to provide an elegant and equitable solution for the music industry with BSV blockchain technology, has closed a seed funding round led by Ayre Ventures, supported by a number of other high-net-worth investors.

Utilizing unique patent pending technology, Blarecast is an innovative music distribution platform built for artists by artists. A project that has been over two years in the making, Blarecast is now ready to harness the power of the BSV blockchain – including its efficient micropayments capabilities – to streamline a range of next-generation use cases.

Blockchain-based music distribution isn’t new, but previous projects were dogged by economic and technical problems due to incorrect methods of payments via inflationary and pre-mined tokens. Blarecast’s BSV-based platform allows artists to upload, publish, distribute and sell their exclusive digital content and physical merchandise to their fans at a price set by the content creators, who receive payments instantly (even in micropayments), not months (or even years) after the fact.

Commenting on the funding round, co-founder and CEO Shem Booth-Spain said, “the trust, support, and direction of these partnerships will offer the Blarecast platform access to further technologies & expertise for the benefit of artists worldwide.”

Co-founder and COO Luke Mayernik added that, “Blarecast allows all rights holders (artists, bands, and record labels) to harness the power of the BSV blockchain to monetize their content securely within a truly innovative, simple, yet elegant application.”

Ayre Ventures founder Calvin Ayre said Blarecast’s platform “is music to the ears of those who believe in the BSV enterprise blockchain’s ability to reshape industries through its infinite scaling capacity, unparalleled data storage and cost-effective micro-transactions. With BSV as its foundation, Blarecast is poised to transform the music business in a way that prioritizes creators over gatekeepers.”

To learn more about Blarecast, attend (in person or virtually) the CoinGeek New York conference, the year’s biggest BSV blockchain event (October 5-7, 2021), at the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel. Blarecast’s Shem Booth-Spain and Luke Wenceslas Mayernik will give a presentation on their plans to Re-Invent the Music Industry with BSV Blockchain on Wednesday, October 6.

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Transmira announces multi-million-dollar seed funding round

This article was originally published on CoinGeek on September 29, 2022.

Transmira, Inc., the Raleigh-based start-up pioneering Experiential Reality (XR) technology on the BSV blockchain, today announces it has opened a multi-million-dollar seed funding round. Transmira has attracted commitments from several prominent investors as part of the ongoing funding round, including Ventek Ventures, Ayre Ventures and other family offices, with opportunities now available for new participants to join the round.

Transmira is spearheading development of the Metaverse, in which the reality of the physical world meets the infinite space of digital gaming. Transmira’s Omniscape™ platform brings location to life, allowing businesses to engage with consumers by combining Augmented Reality (AR) with Virtual Reality (VR) in the exciting new XR environment.

Transmira CEO Robert Rice, who Advertising Age recognized as an Internet Gaming Pioneer, has described XR as branded AR combined with geolocation. Rice says XR helps businesses grow by putting content where their ideal customers are located. 

“Transmira’s groundbreaking patent on virtual goods and 3D non-fungible tokens (NFTs) linked to real-world assets will be fundamental in driving the new virtual economy and commerce in the metaverse. Transmira is beginning to roll out early features for Omniscape, starting with tokenized virtual real estate, a 3D NFT Marketplace, MetaPets™, and much more. Some of this will be on display at CES 2022 in Las Vegas in January.”

The funding round’s supporters include Los Angeles-based Ventek Ventures, an early stage cross-border venture capital fund focusing on the US, China, and Southeast Asia.

Founding partner Tony Zhang said that since Ventek was “the first investor in China’s social metaverse Soul (now majority owned by Tencent), we are very excited to work with Transmira and be part of the coming metaverse revolution. We have met multiple companies in this space, but we were by far most impressed by Robert and his team. Their unique understanding of XR and its applications, combined with years of experience in the industry, will allow them to aggregate brands and IPs to monetize metaverse technologies seamlessly.”

Ayre Ventures founder Calvin Ayre said he was “proud to support Transmira, an innovative start-up using the power and versatility of the BSV Enterprise Blockchain to explore exciting new ways for businesses to connect with consumers, particularly with younger demographics. Robert is a visionary with the drive to realize Omniscape’s fusion of the physical and the virtual worlds.”  

Rice said Transmira was “very excited to welcome a group of investors who bring global perspectives, experiences and deep networks of resources that we will be able to leverage as we begin releasing various elements of the Omniscape platform in Q4.”

Rice said the new capital will give Transmira “the ability to scale quickly as we prepare to disrupt the market and seize a leadership position as the first fully blended AR/VR metaverse platform that truly bridges the real and the virtual.”

To learn more about Transmira, attend (in person or virtually) the CoinGeek New York conference, the year’s biggest BSV blockchain event (October 5-7, 2021), at the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel. Transmira CEO Robert Rice will detail his vision for blockchain-based AR, VR and the Metaverse on Tuesday, October 5. 

About Transmira

Transmira, Inc. are a Raleigh, North Carolina-based start-up monetizing Metaverse XR technologies. The company is the developer of Omniscape™, the first blockchain-based XR platform that blends augmented and virtual reality together with a focus on location, virtual goods, and commercial opportunities for brands, businesses, smart cities, and content-creators.

About Ventek Ventures

Ventek Ventures is an early stage cross-border venture capital fund focusing on companies with the technology, team and timing to capture sustainable markets in the US, China, and Southeast Asia.

About Ayre Ventures

Ayre Ventures, founded by celebrated entrepreneur and philanthropist Calvin Ayre, provides capital to scalable, high-growth businesses within the BSV blockchain ecosystem, the only infinitely scaling enterprise public blockchain. The Group targets investment in innovative ideas and ambitious projects that are ‘positively disruptive’, supporting their expansion with the Group’s extensive network and industry partners.

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